russia-sanctions 20 July 2022

EU awaits new Russia sanctions measures

As at 20 July, the European Union is set to announce new sanctions against Russia, which, if in keeping with a 15 July announced ‘maintenance and alignment’ package, would ‘introduce a new import ban on Russian gold, while reinforcing…dual use and advanced technology export controls’ whilst ‘reinforcing the alignment of EU sanctions with [the EU’s] G7 partners [and] also strengthen reporting requirements to tighten EU asset freezes.’

The EU said that the sanctions ‘package’ would ‘reiterate that EU sanctions do not target in any way the trade in agricultural products between third countries and Russia [and that] the text clarifies the exact scope of some financial and economic sanctions.’

For more coverage of the sanctions against Russia, and their impact, see our reporting in news features in Issue 111 of WorldECR.