telecoms 18 July 2024

‘No more Huawei or ZTE components by the end of 2026,’ Germany tells telecoms operators

Mobile network operators in Germany have agreed to phase out ‘critical components’ made by Chinese telecoms giants Huawei and ZTE in their 5G core networks by the end of 2026, the German government said.

‘We have examined the risks posed by critical components from Huawei and ZTE in German 5G mobile networks very carefully,’ Interior Minister Nancy Faeser remarked in an 11 July statement, explaining that ‘a clear and strict agreement’ had been reached with Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone and Telefónica.

‘These critical components must be removed from the core networks by the end of 2026 at the latest,’ she said, adding that ‘critical management systems in the access and transport networks must be replaced by the end of 2029 at the latest. That applies to all 5G networks in Germany, not only to a few key locations.’

Like other US allies, Germany has been under pressure by the United States over Chinese components in its 5G network. In 2019, the United States banned all of its government departments and agencies from doing business with any entity reliant on technology from the sanctioned Chinese telecoms giants.

‘The threat environment today underscores the importance of secure and resilient telecommunications infrastructure, especially in view of the risks of sabotage and espionage,’ Faeser said.

In Beijing, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian dismissed the claim that Chinese telecoms companies are a security risk.

‘There is no evidence indicating that they are a danger to European countries’ national security,’ he said, shortly after the German government made its announcement. He added: ‘Politicizing trade and tech issues will only disrupt normal exchanges and cooperation in technology and does not serve anyone’s interests. We hope Germany will respect facts, rationally decide, independently come to a decision that conforms with its own interests and international rules, and provide a fair, transparent, open and non-discriminatory market environment for companies from all countries, including China.’