iran-sanctions 12 September 2024

UK and allies impose sweeping sanctions on Iran and Russia over alleged missile transfer

The UK government, in coordination with the US and other international partners, has announced ‘new and significant measures’ against Iran and Russia in response to Tehran’s alleged transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia for use in the war in Ukraine.

The UK Foreign Office announcement,10 September, coincided with a visit by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who said in London for the first time that Russia has received new deadly ballistic missiles from Iran for use in Ukraine.

The latest actions against Iran and Russia, the Foreign Office said, follow repeated warnings from the UK and its allies, urging Tehran to halt its transfer of these deadly weapons to Russia.

The UK, alongside France and Germany, has now cancelled bilateral air services arrangements with Iran, effectively restricting national carrier Iran Air’s ability to operate in the UK and Europe.

‘We will continue to use every lever at our disposal to put pressure on Iran to end its support for Putin’s illegal invasion,’ said Transport Secretary Louise Haigh.

Foreign Secretary David Lammy condemned Iran’s actions, saying, ‘Iran supplying Russia with ballistic missiles to fuel its illegal invasion of Ukraine is a significant and dangerous escalation. We have been clear that any transfer of ballistic missiles by Iran would face a significant response.’

Defence Secretary John Healey also echoed a similar sentiment, highlighting the threat posed by Iran’s military support to Russia. ‘By transferring ballistic missiles to Russia, Iran is actively supporting Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine. Ballistic missiles are highly dangerous weapons, likely to threaten innocent lives,’ he said.

In addition to these measures, the UK and US announced coordinated sanctions on key Iranian and Russian individuals and organisations involved in the ballistic missile and drone supply chains. Among those sanctioned are Brigadier General Seyed Hamzeh Ghalandari, Second Brigadier General Ali Jafarabadi, and Majid Mousavi — all allegedly linked to Iran’s missile development and exports. Several Iranian companies and free trade zones, as well as Russian military organisations, have also been targeted.

Sanctioned Russian entities include the 924th State Centre for Unmanned Aviation, the Russian Aerospace Forces, and the Command of the Military Transport Aviation, as well as five Russian cargo ships involved in transporting military supplies from Iran to Russia.

The US Treasury Department commented that it is taking action pursuant to the counterterrorism authority, Executive Order (E.O.) 13224, as amended; the WMD counterproliferation authority, E.O. 13382; and E.O. 14024, which targets Russia’s harmful foreign activities.

The UK Foreign Office press release explained that the UK government is also set to introduce new legislation aimed at strengthening trade sanctions on Iran, particularly targeting items used in the production of ballistic missiles and other weaponry.

With over 400 sanctions in place against Iranian individuals and entities, and more than 2,000 under the Russia sanctions regime, the UK stressed it is committed to holding both Iran and Russia accountable for their actions.

‘Iran is one of Russia’s key military backers and has transferred hundreds of drones to Russia for use in its war of aggression in Ukraine since August 2022,’ the Foreign Office said.

‘Iran must stop supporting Putin’s unprovoked, premeditated and barbaric attack against a sovereign democratic state,’ Lammy stated. ‘The UK will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes.’

Speaking at the Chatham House think tank in London, Blinken said Iran’s actions come ‘at a time when we know from the new Iranian president that they desperately need and want some economic relief, that there’s a very heavy burden on the country, and that they’re looking for that.  This is exactly the opposite way to get what they purport to want – better relations with other countries and some relief from the sanctions that have been imposed on them for their conduct.’

Iran’s foreign ministry, meanwhile, said it ‘harshly slammed an uncustomary statement by the British French and German foreign ministers on revoking bilateral deals for providing air services to the Islamic Republic of Iran.’

‘The move by the three European countries is in line with the West’s hostile policy and economic terrorism against the Iranian people, and will face the corresponding and proportionate move by the Islamic Republic of Iran,’ said Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani.