export-controls 25 January 2018

UK updates consolidated control list of strategic military and dual-use items

The UK’s Export Control Joint Unit (‘ECJU’), part of the Department for International Trade, has updated its consolidated control list of strategic military and dual-use items that require export authorisation. The update brings the list into line with changes made to the EU dual-use export control list (annex 1) at the end of 2017, the majority of which stemmed from amendments made to multi-lateral export control regime the Wassenaar Arrangement.

Extant licences may include items whose control entry has changed. Notice to Exporters 2018/01 states that ECJU ‘takes the view that as long as the description on the licence properly describes the items to be exported, then the licence remains valid.’

If the item is no longer specified, then the licence is not needed for export purposes.


For Notice to Exporters 2018/01 see: