china-us-relations 23 May 2024

China sanctions former Wisconsin Congressman for Taiwan support

China has sanctioned former Wisconsin Republican congressman Mike Gallager, a staunch supporter of Taiwan, charging he ‘has frequently made remarks and actions that interfere in China’s internal affairs, undermine China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and infringe upon China’s interests.’

In a 21 May notice, the foreign ministry in Beijing said Gallagher is banned from entering China, any assets he may have in the country will be frozen, and any individual or organisation in China is forbidden to engage with him in any way.

Gallagher angered Beijing in February when he visited Taiwan, meeting top leaders on a trip aimed at showing bipartisan support for the island nation that China considers as its own territory. Beijing frowns on state visits by other countries or arms sales to Taiwan. Gallagher was also one of the main backers of a bill that could ban popular video app TikTok in the United States.

Also this week, China added Boeing and two other large defence contractors in the United States on its ‘unreliable entities list,’ punishing them for arms sales to the Taipei government.