china-us-relations 12 September 2024

China slams new US advisory on Hong Kong

China has slammed an updated US advisory that warned US businesses of increased legal and financial risks due to Hong Kong’s tightening alignment with mainland China’s national security laws, calling on Washington to ‘stay prudent on issues related to Hong Kong.’

‘The so-called updated Hong Kong business advisory concocted by the US makes groundless attack against Hong Kong’s national security laws and smears the business environment in Hong Kong,’ said Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning.

‘The US needs to respect facts, respect China’s sovereignty and the rule of law in Hong Kong, and stay prudent on issues related to Hong Kong,’ she said at a news conference, 9 September.

The US advisory, issued by several government departments, highlights the growing similarities between Hong Kong’s legal framework and that of the People’s Republic of China (‘PRC’), emphasising concerns about the impact on business operations and personal freedoms.

The 6 September advisory outlines that recent changes, including the 2020 Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in Hong Kong and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance (‘SNS Ordinance’) enacted in March 2024, have introduced: ‘broad and vague provisions regarding the criminalization of “colluding with external forces,” activities involving “state secrets,” and “espionage,” among other acts, that could affect or impair routine business activities in, or travel to, Hong Kong.’