russia-sanctions 25 July 2024

German court convicts couple for smuggling thousands of military components to Russia

The Stuttgart Higher Regional Court in Germany has sentenced a pair – both holding Russian and German nationalities – to separate prison terms of up to nearly seven years ‘for supplying electronic components for military equipment to Russia.’

The court found that the 59-year-old managing director of two companies had delivered a total of 120,000 components to companies in Russia between January 2020 and May 2023 and circumvented EU sanctions, sentencing him to prison for six years and nine months.

His 54-year-old female partner and co-defendant received a suspended prison sentence of one year and nine months, the court said.

One of the pair’s illicit exports included the ‘Orlan 10’ drone, ‘used to direct artillery fire as part of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine,’ according to the court’s statement.,Lde/Startseite/Medien/7_+Strafsenat_+Zwei+Angeklagte+wegen+der+Lieferung+von+Elektronikbauteilen+fuer+militaerisches+Geraet+nach+Russland+zu+Freiheitsstrafen+von+sechs+Jahren+und+neun+Monaten+sowie+von+einem+Jahr+und+neun+Monaten+verurteilt/?LISTPAGE=8975136