export-controls 13 January 2022

India: SCOMET changes to come into effect

India’s Director General Foreign Trade (‘DGFT’) has recently issued its updated SCOMET (Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment and Technologies) List, the revised list being effective as from 19 January 2022.

In a briefing for WorldECR, international trade lawyer and WorldECR wisehead Ameeta Duggal writes that the changes pertain essentially to Category 1 (Toxic Chemical Agents and other Chemicals) and Category 3 (Chemical and Biomaterial manufacturing and handling of equipment and facilities).

‘Certain chemicals have been added to these categories and the corresponding ITC (HS) Codes have also been notified,’ writes Duggal. ‘Besides adding to the controlled chemicals, the most significant update concerns the notification of the General Authorisation for Export of Chemicals and related equipment (GAEC). Provisions of the draft GAEC had been previously covered in WorldECR issue 105.’

For the full briefing, see Issue 106 of WorldECR.

The SCOMET List is available at
