Israeli Customs releases new invoice declaration for US exporters
The ‘certificate of origin’ requirement on exports to Israel from the US has been replaced by an invoice declaration. The US-Israel Free Trade Agreement (‘ILFTA’) was amended in May 2017 to effect this change, which was implemented following a phase-out period of the ‘certificate of origin’ which ended on 30 June.
The new invoice declaration has a number of requirements, according to Expeditors:
- The document is on the letterhead of the exporter or manufacturer.
- The document should include the logo of the exporter or manufacturer, and identify details of the exporter or manufacturer, including the address and the date of issue of the document.
- The document should be prepared and issued only by the United States manufacturer or exporter.
- The document should include the title ‘Invoice Declaration’.
- The following information should appear in the rows following the title of the document:
- The sales invoice number.
- Date of issue of the invoice.
- Where the invoice was issued.
- In cases where the goods are transferred to distribution centres in the US or in an intermediate country and the transaction invoice is issued by a US company or a company based in the third country, the ‘other commercial document’ should be issued by the US company only.
- The document should specify the list of the original goods entitled to customs preference.
- The ‘Other commercial document’ should include an invoice declaration with all required details.
The Israeli Customs press release can be found here:
US Customs and Borders Protection Agency announcement can be found here:
More information can be found from the US Department of Commerce at: