sanctions 03 March 2022

More UK sanctions for Belarus to punish ‘facilitation’ of invasion

On 1 March, the UK government announced ‘a first tranche of sanctions against Belarusian individuals and organisations in response to the role the country is playing in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, including facilitating the invasion from within its borders.’

It said that four senior defence officials and two military enterprises have been ‘sanctioned with immediate effect under the UK’s Russia sanctions regime.’

The UK government said that those sanctioned ‘include the Belarus Chief of the General Staff and First Deputy Minister of Defence, Major General Victor Gulevich. Gulevich is responsible for directing the actions of the Belarusian armed forces, which have supported and enabled the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He has directed joint military exercises with Russia, and consented to the deployment of Russian troops along the border of Belarus with Ukraine, which has directly contributed to Russia’s ability to attack Ukraine, including from positions in Belarus.’

Entities sanctioned include state enterprises JSC 558 Aircraft Repair Plant, which, says the UK, ‘provides maintenance and servicing to military aircraft at Baranovichi air base, from which Russian aircraft operated as part of the invasion’, and JSC Integral, a military semi-conductor manufacturer.

EU update

On 2 March the EU followed through with sanctions against Belarus: