News 25 July 2019

MTCR annex changes available to view

The Missile Technology Control Regime (‘MTCR’) has announced that the updated version of its technical annex is now available for view on its website. The document has also been made available in a Word document, enabling users to see the changes that have been made.

It said that the revisions, made during a meeting of MTCR technical experts in late May, include ‘clarifications to Item 3.A.1. and the related Technical Note, a clarification to the Technical Note in Item 3.A.2. on “…ramjet, scramjet, pulse jet, detonation or ‘combined cycle’ engines”, as well as some editorial adjustments in existing control text.’

In addition, the ‘Annex Table of Contents (ToC) has been updated for entries that have been affected by changes since the last update of the ToC. The MTCR Annex cover page identifies all amended sections and these are further illustrated in the MTCR Annex track changes document.’

