itar 26 September 2024

State Department extends comment period for proposed rule on ‘defense services’

The US State Department has announced an extension of the public comment period for a proposed rule revising the definition and controls related to defence services under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (‘ITAR’).

Initially published on 29 July 2024, the original deadline for public comments was set for 27 September 2024. However, in response to public requests, the Department has extended the deadline through 15 October 2024.

The proposed rule seeks to update the definition of ‘defense service’ in 22 CFR 120.32 and make changes to the United States Munitions List (‘USML’) under 22 CFR 121.1.

The revisions are part of broader efforts to modernise the regulatory framework governing defence-related exports.

The latest State Department notice, issued 25 September, explained that the Department of Commerce is working on complementary changes to the Export Administration Regulations (‘EAR’), focusing on military and intelligence end uses and end users. In line with the Department of Commerce’s decision to extend its comment period, the Department of State has opted for a 15-day extension as well.

For more information on the proposed rule or on how to submit comments, see: