iran-sanctions 19 September 2024

US and allies, EU renew Iran sanctions commitment on Mahsa Amini anniversary

On the second anniversary of Mahsa Zhina Amini’s death in Iranian police custody, both Western allies and the European Union have reiterated their condemnation of the Tehran government’s human rights abuses and announced plans for continued sanctions and diplomatic pressure.

A joint declaration by Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States highlighted their commitment to hold the Iranian government accountable for human rights violations.

 ‘We will continue to act in lockstep to hold the Iranian government accountable and will use all relevant national legal authorities to promote accountability for Iranian human rights violators, including through sanctions and visa restrictions,’ the 16 September joint declaration said. It emphasised ongoing international action against Iran and condemned the Iranian regime’s repression of women and girls, particularly criticising the renewed ‘Noor’ hijab crackdown.

In parallel, the European Union issued a statement reflecting its stance on the anniversary of Amini’s death.

The EU’s High Representative reaffirmed support for the ‘Women, Life, Freedom’ movement and condemned the Iranian authorities’ violent suppression of protests.

It also stressed the need for Iran to allow free access for UN Human Rights Council mandate holders and cooperate with international investigations.

‘The EU calls on Iran to implement the relevant international treaties and agreements to which it is a party and to fully cooperate with the independent, international Fact-Finding Mission mandated by the Human Rights Council,’ the statement demanded. Additionally, it called for the immediate release of arbitrarily detained individuals, including EU and dual EU-Iranian citizens.