The WorldECR Virtual Forum 2022
Price: £750.00
(Complete bundle)
As most of us continued to work from home (most of the time) and Covid continued to cast its shadow, we took the decision to continue our Forum virtually in 2022, as we did in 2021. And, once again, we were not disappointed.
I’m delighted that we now have 18 recorded sessions, focusing both on new developments and changes in sanctions and export controls, and also on the practical nuts and bolts ‘must-know’ elements of trade compliance. We have presentations from industry leaders, visionaries, and world-renowned advisers, and we have put together a portfolio of sessions intended to ensure that you and your company are well-briefed, and well-prepared, for 2022 and beyond (and that’s no small boast!).
Tom Blass
Editor, WorldECR
If you weren’t able to join us for the event, you can still purchase unlimited viewing and download access to its 18 presentations covering key trends and developments in global export controls and sanctions, national security and CFIUS, and best practice in trade compliance with Q&A sessions plus live roundtable discussions, all at a sensible price.